How to earn money with Fiverr ?

What is Fiverr?
Firstly I’m assuming most of you know what Fiverr is, but just in case there are readers who want a better understanding of how to earn money with Fiverr,  is a marketplace for gigs that are priced at $5. Essentially, you can sell and buy tasks for $5.

So anyone can create a gig for small service on the site, and visitors can accept gigs as well. Gig prices are fixed at $5. Buyers can order gigs and are required to pay for the gig in advance.

Tasks are divided into categories, including Funny and Bizarre, Social Marketing, Graphics, Writing, Technology, Business, Silly Stuff, and Programming.
Fiverr posts buyer feedback on people who perform tasks. Task performers will be given a positive feedback score, which can be seen by users who are considering hiring them for gigs.

Fiverr itself takes one dollar from the seller for each sale, so the seller makes 4 dollars per sale. The reaction I get from a lot of people is skepticism, they immediately want to either look down at the idea of spending time as a serious seller on Fiverr or make fun of it.

These people do not have a business vision. Think about all the successful dollar store
chains across America, think of all the McDonalds and Starbucks coffee shops around the world.

It’s not about how much profit you can make per sale, it’s about how you make those sales what the markup is and how many sales you can make. Fiverr is a brilliant landscape, now the key to playing the game right is to match its brilliance.

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About the Author: admin

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